Monday, March 16, 2009

Third Raid

I start out at Snickersville and get even more troops than before. Then I read the papers, and it seems that Union generals, in an attempt to get me to stop ambushing trains, are now putting Southerners on board, the scoundrels. The Yanks extend their lines down to Winchester and surrounding towns. Then large Union force enters Leesburg. Finally, I get word that the Union wagon train is moving from Harper's Ferry south to Middletown. Ha! I don't think so.

I've arranged ahead of time that my men and I will hide out in a local farmhouse after we visit the wagon train. I intercept the wagon train at Myerstown and destroy it. Before the Yanks can come after me, I hide as planned. One of the Union guard companies searches for me and then heads south to Berryville. Now on to more mischief.

I decide to head north to the Martinsburg area again, with the intent of wiping out some garrisons and destroying more rail lines. I lead my men through Park's Gap and into Hedgesville, where we surprise the garrison there, destroying it easily. Despite the noise of the battle, no Union reinforcements arrive from Hainesville, which turns out to be ungarrisoned. Perfect opportunity to destroy the rail lines.

I could cease operations for now--especially since the Union troops are all on high alert, but I want to try to clear out the Yanks around Manassas on the off-chance that I can organize one more raid there before they reorganize their lines. To that end, we march to Greenwich and enter Catlett's Station.

Ugh. The Yanks are waiting for me. The alert goes up, and troops from Bristoe Station join the pursuit. I'm attacked and outnumbered 2-to-1. I lose the battle, and some of my force are killed/captured. Not good.

But my performance during this raid is good enough to allow me to keep fighting.

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