Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lab Lab

Been to the Lab twice this week (so far). Ugh. Finishing up all the paperwork from my last major project with the Pentagon.

Switching focus now to (1) the evolution of strategy in the war on terror; and (2) a comparative eschatology of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Been reading The Rapture Exposed by Barbara Rossing. A liberal reaction to dispensational theology (sort of). Basically, this gal watched the "Left Behind" series and wrote a book to refute it. Her work is a determined attempt to ignore the Bible's prophetic program, because it's too disturbing. Because she finds bloodshed repugnant, she simply re-interprets Scripture. When the Bible says, "War", it really means "Peace". When it says "Blood", it really means "Feathers and lollipops." When it says "Judgment", the proper interpretation is "Warm hugs."

Where DO these people come from? Why don't they just say, "I hate the Bible and I refuse to believe it!" At least that would be honest.

Anyways, Peter's coming over tonight, so soon you will be reading about my decisive victory over him.

Zanne and Joe went out to the property, and apparently they have laid down gravel where the footers will soon be poured. Wootness!

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