Friday, February 27, 2009

End of a Long Week

Well, my Zanne-zanne has been gone for a week, and I don't like it at all. I've been trying to distract myself so as not to think about her not being here, but it doesn't work so well.

She's wheels-down at 1130 tomorrow, so life will be back to normal soon. Doobis is beside himself. The dogs are wondering where the Nice Lady is. Gracy couldn't care less but would prefer a few more mirrors in the house.

Went to the Pentagon today, and they love me. All is well with the SECDEF. I'm starting to wonder if I have a life beyond helping the country think about the next war.

Other than that, all is well. I'm now down to 202, which means I've lost 14 pounds since December. I'm pretty motivated to keep it going.

Looking forward to teaching Sunday School this week (Revelation 18) and home group (Mark 11).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Russians Triumphant!

Private Samuel Grant Leonhard departs for basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. tomorrow. Salute, son! Wish you the very best, and I'm confident you will kick some serious hiney! Sam joins a proud tradition: Great-great-grandfather Harry Leonhard was a Spanish-American War hero; Grandfather Donald Leonhard served as a Sergeant First Class in the Army Air Force in WWII (served in North Africa, India, and the CBI theater); Dad was a career infantry officer in the Army and veteran of Desert Storm; Sister Beverly is a captain/doctor in the Air Force; Brother Bobby was a sergeant in the WV National Guard and a veteran of OIF! Bring it home, Sam!

So after a week of being sick and being away from home, I re-started my boot camp. Did the Biggest Loser level 3 workout yesterday, and it kicked my butt. Amazing how fast you can get out of shape. I didn't gain any weight, but I clearly lost muscle and endurance. Did the death machine today, but I've been slacking on muscle-building. Need to get back into it. Down to 204 in weight, which is very good...but a long way to go.

Peter came over tonight, and we played Combat Commander--a Stalingrad scenario. I was the Russians trying to hold onto a strategically important sector. I didn't kill too many Germans, but I was able to disrupt his attack long enough to prevent him from winning. He didn't even try to take my main fortifications, but he launched a well-led and well-executed attack along my left flank, snatching two objectives and contesting a third before I counterattacked. Captain Kornelov arrived with a reinforced platoon and eventually destroyed the lead elements of his main attack, taking one of the lost objectives back. Meanwhile, I held on to the last objective--it was contested by the end of the day. The Russians won handily. I think Peter might have done better if he had tried to contest my main fortifications, which he had an opportunity to do. Basically, I'm a genius.

Zanne and I watched Fireproof last night. Amateur acting, but a good Christian story. We've also been watching the first season of Survivor, which I never saw.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hell Week Over!

Got back from a week at the Lab running a policy game for the Pentagon. Went very well, but it's a lot of work. Stayed at Fort Meade BOQ which is cheap but yucky. In my few off hours, I wargamed Rommel's North Africa campaign and took Tobruk in 1941. Take that, Irwin!

Lots of interesting news this week that most Americans probably didn't even notice. One of our satellites collided with a Russian one. Big cloud. And the North Koreans are erecting a Taepo-Dong II missile/rocket. A TD-II has two possible uses: it can launch a space vehicle, and it can be an intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of reaching the US.

We'll find out which option Kim Jong Il has chosen in about 40 days.

Back home now and enjoying a Valentine's Day with my sweety.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Looking forward to Friday

It's Sunday, and I have a mild cold that forced me to skip home group tonight. Taught Revelation 14-15 today, and class was kind of quiet after last week's drama. (Big debate about Revelation 14). Zanne and I watched Apaloosa starring Ed Harris, Aragorn, and Renee Zellwiger. It started out great until the girl arrived. It then became pointless and went on and on.

To the Lab tomorrow for the next four days. Gonna stay at Fort Meade and try to get over this cold, stay in shape, keep to the diet, and get this next policy game done right. Ugh.

Last night we watched Traitor. Very good movie.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Trying to Love February

It's cold. I'm over-worked. Running a policy game next week. Writing policy papers for the Pentagon constantly. I'm numb. Driving too much. Working out in the morning and at night. Ugh and double ugh. Calgon, send me away.