Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What will December bring?

Hard to believe it's been almost a year since I made some serious changes in my life. Last December I decided I was tired of playing around with fitness and really got serious. Over the course of the year, I have dropped weight and kept it off, but I have vacillated when it comes to getting to my target weight.

So this week I restarted the process. One good thing is that I KNOW how to lose weight. I know what I have to do if I really want to lose it: hard workout in the morning, calorie nazi all day and night, hard workout at night. When I do that, I lose.

I've started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shredder and did day 2 this morning. I find it a fairly good workout (Level 1 so far), but I actually think the Cardio Max Level 1 is harder. I'm going to stick with this and go to Level 2 after one week. Also ate about 1000 calories less than my target yesterday! Worked chest and treadmill last night. Result: lost 2 pounds in one day.

Doing the same today and plan to work back and do a 40-minute uphill climb tonight. My goal is to hit 185 by the end of the month, which I should be able to do fairly easily. Maybe in two weeks. Then see if I can maintain. I might even shoot for 175 over the next month, which, according to BMI (which I don't trust), is my ideal weight. We'll see.

Meanwhile...still struggling with kid issues. 'Nuff said.

About a week ago, Zanne and I managed to fall off of a 4-foot wall in the dark. I landed without injury, but Zanne banged up her left leg pretty badly. She's struggling to heal from it, but she's making progress slowly.

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