Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where the Bulldogs all have rubber teeth...

May 24th, 2009. They of the Questionable Legal Status have begun to put up our siding, which is exciting...I don't care who you are. My inspired choice of gray with navy blue shutters has been thoroughly vindicated, at least in my eyes, which, after all, is the heart of the matter.

We met our future neighbors, Gordon and Anne (& Co.) today when we caught them trespassing in our kitchen. They seem like wonderful folks, and we have already negotiated future plans, in which Gordon builds our deck and installs our flooring in exchange for me looking at his trains.

The war effort in North America (my wargame with Don) has been frustrating. After a great start, Lord Amherst's attempt to seize Louisburg before the winter is foundering. Nevertheless, I am confident that ultimate victory is mine...which should be a comfort to those unfortunates who will die in the wilds of Nova Scotia this winter.

I am continuing my hiatus from the Lab, and I'm slowly (ever so slowly) closing in on composing a masterpiece on strategy, which will be published by the Lab, much to the relief of the Obama administration.

I really miss teaching Sunday School, but I have very much enjoyed Pastor Don's teaching. He is truly amazing. His mastery of the Scriptures is combined with a solid grasp of theological nuance which never fails to inspire me. Plus, he hates Calvinists. (Just kidding.)

We are gearing up for a blow-out Memorial Day feast tonight, which means my journey into the 190s (lbs, that is) will likely be delayed for another week.

This past week has been a glorious one, because Zanne has decisively adjusted her attitude toward the powers-that-be in Hollywood. I'm very satisfied with her current approach to how to market her work. Yay, Babe! You are right where you need to be!

I've got Peter hooked on Wilderness War. The first session was free. From now on I will charge him $5 a pop. Woot!

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